Pre-service Science Teachers’ Conceptions of the Nature of Science


  • Sangay Wangchuk Kidheykhar Higher Secondary School
  • Dumcho Wangdi Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  • Sonam Tshomo Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • Ugyen Dorji Bajothang Higher Secondary School



Conception, nature of science, scientific literacy, pre-service, science teachers


Understanding the Nature of science is a crucial part of scientific literacy that helps students develop ideas about science and make informed decisions. Science teachers’ knowledge of the Nature of science is essential to enhancing students’ understanding. This study examined 50 pre-service science teachers’ conceptions of the Nature of science. The data collected by administering the Understanding the Nature of science questionnaire was analysed using descriptive statistics and a one-way analysis of variance test. The findings revealed that pre-service science teachers have uninformed conceptions about the Nature of science, particularly in the tenets of scientific methods, scientific theories and laws, scientific knowledge, and scientific enterprise. There was no statistically significant difference in the level of Nature of science conceptions based on their specialisation (F [2, 47] =.251). Future research is encouraged to explore the implications of teachers' conceptions of the Nature of science on students' understanding, employing a multi-method approach.

Author Biographies

Sangay Wangchuk, Kidheykhar Higher Secondary School

SANGAY WANGCHUK is a Physics teacher at Kidheykhar Higher Secondary School, Ministry of Education, Bhutan. He obtained his MEd in Physics Education and Bachelor’s Degree in Education (Secondary Science) from Samtse of College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan. As an emerging researcher, he is interested in the field of science instruction.

Dumcho Wangdi, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

DUMCHO WANGDI has Bachelor’s Degree in Education (Secondary Science) from Samtse College of Education, Bhutan and Master of Science in Science and Technology Education from Mahidol University, Thailand. Currently, he is pursuing PhD at Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Prior to his doctoral journey, he taught physics and general science for middle and secondary level for more than a decade.

Sonam Tshomo, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

SONAM TSHOMO has MSc in Physics from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia and B.Ed in Secondary science from Samtse College of Education, Royal University of Bhutan. She has taught physics in the middle and higher secondary schools in Bhutan.

Ugyen Dorji, Bajothang Higher Secondary School

UGYEN DORJI is a senior teacher at Bajothang Higher Secondary School. Apart from teaching Chemistry in high school, he is actively involved in research activities. His research interest include understanding the impact of teaching methodologies on the development of knowledge, skill, and attitude in Bhutanese Schools.




How to Cite

Wangchuk, S., Wangdi, D., Tshomo, S., & Dorji, U. (2023). Pre-service Science Teachers’ Conceptions of the Nature of Science. Educational Innovation and Practice, 6.